Notes on the Becoming Library

Narrative Index
Title/Author Index

Becoming Library #05: Friday 14/02 @ 14:00

Becoming Library #04: Friday 07/02 @ 14:00

Becoming Library #03: Friday 31/1 @ 14:00

Platform, access, licensing, interface, infrastructure, framing, permission, economy, scaling, publicness, ...

Third iteration of the Becoming Library where we returned to the question of 'usefulness' to look at the relation of this library with its publics/readers/patrons/users. We continued working on individual proposals, in conversation with their relation to other materials and how they address a public, as a collection and individually. And also: delicious maniok cheese breads, baked by Flavio.

Whereas the concept of “useful knowledge” operates as a tool of social reproduction and a guardian of the status quo, “really useful knowledge” demands changes by unveiling the causes of exploitation and tracing its origins within the ruling ideology; it is a collective emancipatory, theoretical, emotional, informative, and practical quest that starts with acknowledging what we do not yet know. What, How & for Whom/WHW: Really Useful Knowledge (2015)


Adriano: rhythm of layout, reading

Peggy: wants to tag, across the booklets. It's physicality is frustrating

Flavio: Touch it! What is there, an invitation to browse. Having many informations already. It is a strong word, a library. How to find out what is linked to my own library/project. Has ten favourite/important books he brought. Mainly 'technical' books. Personally always asking how to explain this to his mother. The narrative index did its work! Index as a travelguide.

Magda: Wants to know what kinds of objects are there. It is a bit too much an exhibition.

Katrine: Library means institution. Publicness of the institution. Is this a public or a private library.

Magda: Public library is where homeless people can be warm.

Katrine: different rooms

Femke: is there space for other users, in this one

Katrine: wondering about interactions between this 'library' and public libraries

Flavio: talking about Sao Paulo, and services/wifi. Right after it opened, a lot of refugees came. They were using the library to call home. But they were reading books too! And there was a clear narrative. Could work with audio files and cheese bread

Peggy: public library easy to go in, and you could meet people in a quiet way. Watching artists video that nobody else looked at (pompidou). Many lonely people.

Magda: what conditions do these spaces create. Safe, but predictable.

Katrine: university library, same age. sense of community in the library

Pierre: defining "a" library out of these contributions is creating a system. Every systems will feedback on the content of the contributions.

Femke: Open for contributions?

Peggy: Its depends. The library is about the questions of Zone Public. Making a research public,... what does that mean... We should not go too fast.

Adriano: many texts / contents exists in other places. These are fridge magnets? A way of internal circulation. Some materials are just passing through. Porous household.

Pierre: Each contribution needs an explanation out of qualifying them, reading them.

Katrine: The library needs an explanation.

Flavio: Or you set a condition, arrive with a desire. Talk to desires/needs.

Pierre: Believes in conversation generation because of non-accessibility to the multi layered batch of information that each "becoming publication" contains. It needs mediation. A librarian. Someone that tells the story.

Kasia: Or, imagine pile of books without any explanation; find them in a hallway. No indications. Seeing them from a distance. Maybe I do need to know/explained. Keeping possibilities open. First moment of attraction. Interested in anonymous contributions; finding out how it changes dynamics. Obscurity/unclarity is more interesting than system.

Flavio: Let's imagine opening the library next week. What makes it a library.

Peggy: Its a becoming library, because of our intention.

Pierre: It made me think ... Peggy said that she needed a marker, to know why it is there. Why and what does it do.

FS: Different levels of mediation, but not complete openess. Letting the condition speak, or finding different timings/spaces for the readers body.

Kasia: Switching perspective. Letting freedom to project. Acknowledging.

Magda: an event of encountering.

Pierre: different startingpoints. Starting from objects. Unstabilities, each one poses problems.

Magda: asking about assumption. Is this the library. What is it? It is maybe too empty? I need a frame.

Pierre: A list of keywords?

Magda: A timeline of arrival. A period.

Pierre: A glossary? Or a book about the books? Or a performance: on a 1:1 scale, the generative practice of the library (what we do now) is the Becoming Library.

Adriano: A performance. Not bad!

Peggy: I want time to read each "books".

Becoming Library #02: Friday 24/1 @ 14:00

titles, authorship, referencing, modes of address, indexing, cataloguing, indexing, categorising, ...

  • + +
  • Leguin: She Unnames Them

Becoming Library #01: Friday 17/1 @ 14:00

Transmediation, folding, formatting, imposition, editing, design/layout, cutting, printing, reproducing, binding, pagination ...



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