Feedback HWD
ANNA gives feedback through a message: it was a fruitful week still it was harder than i thought to make my process accessible. my research as a plant it-s a bit like magic we are elaborating a suitable mode of sharing (collective) and still try to look to individual and specific reseaches some day sit feels like my heart will crack again and again collective researeach is like moving together on a meta level how can we challenge ourselves in the efeedback that looks at th eindividual research more closely I Try to look more closely at what is revealed and if there is a way to understand the question the person is busy with. THANK YOU
LILIA happy that we had feedback to ASsli this morning, more attention I am not a fan of equality. So how can we pay attention in a fair distribution, but not on a leveled way Is it possible to imagine another use of time, or timing in the feedback. For the future I propose to rethink ways and times of feedback (before taking a decision) how am i making usage of the others in the best way possible?
ALEX This is the first time the feeback came so directly into after the presentation. It was not like that before. Nerver in such an uniforme way. It felt more like picking into things rather than responding from within or other formats of giving feedback The other times the structure was much more organic and flexible. f.I. one day only presentation and the day after only feedback. Good to have time to digest
MARTINA It was done like this because there was a request for keeping time. I would have loved to take more flexibility
NADA it is something to do with time, taking long time to feedback brings more intensity
Martin Finding the transition from poliset to the halfway days. How do we switched and focused on scheduling, but maybe there are other way. It helped me that there was a time scale to work with, but I was also wondering that the feedback for me it was important to hear questions that came up duing my presentation. its interesting to think of getting the questions the next day. Its strange to switch from presentation to feeeback in the same slot.
LILIA is there another way to do in PAF?
ALEX Great reminder. The structure is also a proposition.
Lilia And it will always be wrong :)
Samah I feel good when the times is clear. I get nervous and tired when we don't know when it's gonna finish. But the flow was quite good. Taking care is good.
Jaime it si difficult to organise the "steaming time" which is not the krono time ( durational time). How do you manage the steaminmg time, with negotiation? We cannot be pretentious and think that all the time will be steaming Can we face this phernomenon, how can I share time, how can we share the 'steaming time'.
Anna R Would it be an idea to look at it pragmatic in PAF. Lilia explains: when people have the same day of presentations, they together decide on how you want to do it together. Bu tht euqeustion is: to be precise, to be concrete, what you want to learn, and to think if you want feedback right after the presentation, or later, or the next day. This worked quite well in the past, some people whanted immediate responses and feedback and it worked. f.i. you 3 decide the day and then design the organisation of the day with some clear focus on What i want to learn from this day.
CHLOE There's a difference beween HWD and PAF Last time I was more focused on the performative aspect, this time more on the methodological aspect and to have imput from everyone If you take more distance from between the presentation and feedback there might be something lost.
Anna R Was this format frustrating for you? Althgough it is tiring, but that is didn't work for them for any reason.
NADA when you share something that is so unclear, to get feedback on this rather than the idea, is something I am not sure about. By saying I want you to think with me, it is a different invitation to how you respond to what is presented. when you share something it feels unclear, and to have feedback on the presentation itself feels reductive. "Thinking with me"sounds already more interesting
CHLOE Its the same for me, I don't want feedback to be 'forced'
ALEX I think it is part of it is expeirencing and playing with how to access or how to guide the moment of feedback, as a reciever. It takes many tries to get somewhere, which is why I think to go through those moments, and to think what was it, I don't know how to relate that to my practice. In my case I am asking how to access this moment of feedbacking so that it helps me. Finding how you want recieve, so all the tryouts give you an indication of what doesn't work. There is so much time and space dedicated to this! It's great to know what doesnt work.
Lilia the collective is very important, not everything revolves around your question. Maybe in the feedback we go to a place that is not ÿours" but it's important for the collective.
Nada Ok, but then where is the space for the individual feedback? What happens to it?
Lilia These questions are not gone at all, they will appear in other situations, they stay long with us. Care is important. It's a question oif engagement.
Samah As a mentor, there is an accumulation, it is helpful to saz Thinking WITH me, and Alex, this is what I am busy with, This helps a lot. Being clear on what do you need in a particular moment. This set the tone to reflect and give focus.
Lilia Structure and facilitation help to distribute the speaking time among the group Samah yes, but threre's the desire from opening it up and on the other side the need to fiocus and contain. You just need to understand what you need in your practice
jaime there's the tricky point, sometimes you can get wrong in what you need, that's the scope of soem facilitation tools, to get you out of the chair, to surprise you I was surprised in the whole week, I could see a lot of resistance to feedback MArtine: can you give example When feedback is over controlled: the time, who decides when who and what. Also, I can cheat myself when I am unable to deal with time, those are clear points, but then you can find attitudes that are a natural reaction. We have to make ourselve responsible for that. Martin: is there a notion of giving a judgement to how you give feedback. There are clear gestures of what you need that works, but other times that you might need a new and different ways of feedback. It's not that one is better than the other. For me I felt this way of presenting and getting questions, and we were concentrated on each other's research, this was quite a good experience. Does feedback always need to be fied in it's format. I also had nice feedback with people in between the sessions.
Lilia: the informal conversation happens because of the formal. the exercice of thinking difefrent things together
Martina was a nice experiment to meet different ways of feedback and very helpful the reminder that the structure can be broken. I need time to give feedback
Lilia Time schedule We arrive on monday: first mentors meeting, so we tune in. we will look at each research, and this will be given to you. Please remind me becuase sometimes I have too much on my plate. The presentations are informed by what we have talked about. People have different perspectives, and we can think of references and other mentors that we can recommed to you.
Monday afternoon and Tues morning, you can figure out how you want to do you presentations.
Tuesdy afetrnoon till Friday morning is presentations
Friday we reflect: call back to what has happened till Saturday morning
NADA is it impossible to extend the time of presentation? :LILIA: we could extend or add a day but it is hard to organise, and its a question of money, if we decide to extend it.
Anna R: What is PAF: a collectively managed, and more recently it is also co-owned by almost 250 people. It is a space to develop your work. Personally I would have liked to know more the first time I went there, I was overwhelmed.
LILIA: PAF four principles: - The doers decide - Make things possible for others - Don't leave traces - Mind asymmmetries
Joke will send the logisitcs of when we leave, and timing etc.
Steven will send an email to ask what things that we want to bring along from apass to PAF
It's hard to deal with all of them at the same time. What is different for us, is that we go as a group, and we have our own kitchen. Which can be frustrating
We can have open presentations or not, to be decided among us. The presentations wikll be focused on the WHY of the research. How is it opening towards the world etc but it is a guideline and stays open.
CHLOE: we were thinking of having a drink now, in the middle of the day, but other people need to leave.