3 Bundles of projects, 1. admin/radmin in relation to artistic projects, making of conditions. Bring in Joke, Michelle, Kate R, Pia, Seba, Signe, Mathilde, Flavio. Bring them around the material from the making conditions block. Co-writing. What is admin of artistic or research context, possible to see admin from an artistic perspective. Institution aims at an informal structure while being a formal institution. Connects to conversation with Kate. Keep open space, sheild from institutional framing and formalities. Institutional controle. So this greyzone, this freespace, how can you keep this? What does it mean: informal, freespace etc..? How to communicate with self confidence and artistic means towards the outside world / institutional frameworks that are there. Looking at the past, use examples as case studies to conceptualise them, theorise on them, evaluate the broader discourse they adhere to.

    undefined.1. Don’t know! Conference: gives the basic question. What kind of an institution does knowledge production under the circumstances of conscious not-knowing need?
    undefined.2. Research centre block, Artistic Administration.There is different material from that periode. Black board drawing f.e.. Digested and revisited by interviewing Joke, Michele, Kate Rich.
    undefined.3. Conversation between Lilia and me (Elke) about our experiences as coordinators. 
    undefined.4. Institutional critique / making conditions. Theoretical level > 3rd wave of institutional critique / new, younger approaches. (Pattern language?) / radmin. Pia / Seba as interlocutor.

1. Troubled Garden block, clash between positions: curator and participants. Challenge vs freedom, histories of institution, personal experiences of ‘school’, Conversations about that in Fribourg. Nicolas addressed his discomfort. Teacher as representative of  the institution, and what that does in the eyes the participants/students, and in the self perception. Duties and expectations. Differences within personal affinites etc.

Interlocutor: Signe, Mathilde, Flavio Embedded within a bigger structure. ‘Don’t Know’ as the start: what is required for and produced by other forms of knowledge production. What kind of institution is needed to re-think thinking. Fundamental plea in favour of informal structure, but we live in the institutional. How to live this paradox? What are the consequences? Exhaustion? Risks? How to take them. (Risks are necessary for development). Who or what carries that risk and should carry that risk, to what degree? How do we communicate that risk to those who will be ‘at risk’, f.e. Participants, what is the risk they are taking? And how do we communicate (about) that? Collaborators: Joke, Michelle, Kate R, Pia, Seba, Signe, Mathilde, Flavio How to start: Articulate the project of the text, so as to approach the interlocutors. Determine the conditions for those conversations. Interview with questions? Or bring them together (f.e. J plus M plus M, or joke kate, or joke kate? Is it a dinner? Record? Questionnaire? How to digest? Maybe: initial questionnaire, then organise conversations on the basis of that. (Talk to journalists about how to this, Lulu ( , Christina Caprez).

  1. What do I mean by gestures of research, experiential text, without using the word research, writing exercise for self. About artistic research. Intuitive statement about A.R. which is why I’m working at apass. Drive 10 years ago same as now, wants to put that into an article. Round up thinking about A.R. Different phases. Reflect on, is it still relevant? Can we go on under these assumptions/thinking, is research and this kind of research still relevant? Politics of A.R., how political is it? Relevance? In relation to personal politics. (conflictual/contentious relationship?) Confessional. Poetic. Bereque style, not using the word research. Ideal: do this at PAF. Or now! No collaborators.
  2. Unfold the space between ecology and economy. Needs consultancy/conversations, possibly co-writing, maybe Kate Rich, Kobe! and Christina Statbauer.

Meeting 27-3-2020