kitchen notes

type of document: notes, scrible, book, post-it, draft, report, message, see bellow other types id: hello-001?? tags: to-do, tech, practical?? theme: baz ?? participants: Pierre, Steven, Lilia, Sina, Nicolas place: a.pass 3rd floor Brussels

To do 1 = List of TAGS

report - scribble - note - sticky note - draft - memo - meeting notes - report - transcript - letter - message - document -book - collection - library - archive - drawing - list - poetry - diary -manifesto - tutorial - theory - manifesto - litterature - fable - fiction - nonfiction - manual - score

we propose two lists of tags, with the same content so user has to choose a combo tag

2 = small intro text.

Questions Pierre What is the nature and function of this project? a tool (for what?)

What does the indexation through tags will do on the long term? - it will give structure to content. without any labeling it will be just a pile of words. - but maybe we should go for highlighting. everybody can highlight. - a set of tags will be dominant - but maybe gives some structure to start.

What is the degree of publicness? That is all up to you, if you make a post public or not.

Who is supposed to activate, make it alive? All of apass. like a sketchbook it should be fast and easy. shareable in a way it is a social platform, like facebook or instagram work because you can easily share content. We are not making a social platform but something more tailord to the workings of apass but it should activate a platform for sharing text and writing.

and with the option to output PDF. (to be figured out)

Ideas last meeting Highlight function, highlight words that will function as tags Word usage index - use top 100 most used words from all pads as index. Highlighting is then secondary as a curating tool. and kinda works like sketchbook right?

EXTRA info taken form notes.

Proposals * create tag attached to person? * think about a notification system

How to engage participants without inventing all new functionalities? Find a way to stimule them?

ethertoff side * have Read as a default view * implement a view to reset password (ethertoff) * have a more intuitive folder naming system? * on homepage sorting on date by default ?

osp apass * mettre à jour ethertoff * ajouter le cheatsheet markdown on the side pour les pages edit * have a form with different fields on pad creation (so that the header is filled)? * ajouter un menu déroulant avec les tags fixes * layout the Index view * differenciate the base set of tags (around 20) and the highlighed words * create a pad on top of the other so to have a common chat? Or inject on IRC channel? * No About page (so we can remove it from the menu) > but add a link to the a.pass website in the text * * add an archive tag used to archive pads (like not published) ~ draft status * words usage index? like each word become a keyword? * add print css (more usefull for them than the slide) * to bring back some playfull vibrant elements like buggy stuff gifs... have thumbnal of picture in the title? * add a set of colors in the header used to style slighty differently the highlighted words?

apass * a.pass revient vers nous avec un liste de tags fixes * écrire un texte intro

meeting June 20th

-a proposal is made : an ensemble of existing tools that can form another arrangement specific to a.pass -reading and practicing partially the proposed tools -reading the budget / explaining the work(s) -discussing the project, it's nature and functions leading to: -the model choosen for the collaboration with OSP is the digital publication house (the digital version of what we have now with our collection of books) the model is : -we can add cloud services through Domaine Public to reorganise the google folders, have a schedule, private messages, pads for team -it will be complementary with the re-indexation of the website. -3 tools 3 functions

NOTES Search Should give a parahgraph - not only the posts.

Highlighting - notification for user latest activity monitor kind of Word cloud Every 4 months a freeze - documentation of block

  • Implement image upload to server + how to size?
  • question, why width tag doesnt work in HTML here.
  • why does my color of user change within a session. ! ? still logged in.
  • maybe only soft colours by default? like pale.
  • meta tagging is unclear
  • private option?
  • themes ?
  • slides not used yet
  • Meta tags are not appearing in all browsers. bit strange.

  • double pads ? how to strucutre by blocks in a folder

  • drawing mode?

  • "publishing categories" -scribble -post it -note -draft -memo -meeting notes -report -transcript -letter -message -document -book -publication -collection -library -archive -drawing -textbook -list -poetry -diary -manifesto -tutorial -litterature

[i changed the first line only:]

    definition #1

'' is an open source digital platform, programed and design by OSP for a.pass, to support the researchers in a process of exchange by enabling collaborative documentation and discussion. This platform is conceived as a website that can host the written, visual and sonic materials used during the processes of research. It will enable collective note-taking, co-writing and simple publishing. This tool is developed through thinking about the continuous processes of documentation and share-ability that are essential in research practices. Being open source is an important aspect of the new platform, which desires to be an accomplice in new forms of digital exchange, including free software, Free Art Licence and Creative Commons, all of which are in alliance with a.pass’ political orientation.

            artistic research in apass

Artistic research cannot exist. a.pass does not consider artistic research as a discipline but as an inclusive library of heterogeneous, impermanent, precarious yet rigorous constructions, modulating singular relations between art, research, theory, practice, aesthetics and politics. a.pass affirms the paradoxical fact that if artistic research were to crystallize into a normed set of parameters determining it as a discipline, artistic research would cease to exist. Only as a non-discipline can artistic research create the conditions for a generative field that hosts multiple sites of intersection between academia and art, as well as methodological conflicts critical discursive inventiveness and continuous experimentation with tentative sub-categories – all interconnected through hybrid artistic practices.


The search for transversality in and between different categories of knowledge and practices is intrinsically necessary to address the complexity of contemporary problems in general and for artistic research in particular. Critical transversality is one of our most valuable assets and a.pass is not alone in practicing this. However, many institutional frameworks are still more inclined to segregate practices into disciplines and professions, trimmed to be economically viable.a.pass is a platform to experiment with these questions. It is not only dedicated to providing and channeling such transversality as a pedagogic and aesthetic concept, but also seeks to generate transversality as a critical instituting practice. Needing to provide frameworks for crossing between problematics, people, practices, perspectives, fields of knowledge, materials, etc., critical transversality becomes a.pass’ primary live source. The energy revealed by crossing through fields of knowledge is the one that nourishes and provides positive criticality toward the status quo. However, to criticality reflect upon the very need for transversality is as much part of a.pass’ self-understanding as is the criticality that it produces through practicing such transversality.

            publishing in apass

At a.pass, we open up document, archive and publication as processes of making-public by engaging with the performativity of these concepts. In this sense, they are methodologies for practicing artistic research. The program seeks to to find public formats or outlets for research in the course of its development. One of a.pass’ underlying methodologies is to develop publications that don't regard knowledge, art making, aesthetics, context and politics as separate communication channels. Publication is seen as a witnessed process of simultaneous artistic creation, contextualization and doubt. We address publication under the hybrid transdisciplinary term of ‘performative publishing’, a concept coined to contain the multiplicity of publishing practices present at a.pass and at the same time to sharpen the question of the publication’s purpose within the sphere of artistic knowledge production. We ask: How do publications perform? What are their aims and inner workings? How do they activate the criticality of the viewer? Documenting is an inherent part of the process of research, whether this process becomes a publication or not. a.pass accompanies the way in which researchers may take notes, sketch, draft, draw, make diagrams, assemble different types of information, relate concepts and materialities. The way the information is gathered is significant to ways of thinking, organizing and bringing the research into shape. During the program, researchers are invited to think their trajectory at a.pass as a transversal crossing of ways of doing, theories and aesthetics. They are asked to pay attention to the hinges that provoke questions, criticality, etc., and to develop forms of notation that resonate with their research. The work on documentation delineates possible forms of publishing that can integrate several mediums and be individual or collective.