The PA is an assembly of participants of the post-graduate program in the current block and pariticipants who take the block off. Participants meet without team or curator to talk about their place in a.pass and to discuss on events (workshops) they'd like to (self)organise together. The PA is both a formal and informal place.

The RC should be connected to all of this. Timing-wise there should be found a way to work together.


The PA gathers at least once during opening week, once during halfway days and once during end week. But besides those moments, every participant can call for a PA when they feel there's a need for it. During a PA participants can propose a collective workshop. People who want to present a collective workshop are present at the PA and provide other participants with a short description of the workshop and an estimation of the costs linked to that workshop. Prices of transport and stay are included in the price. Personal budget can not be used to largen the fee of the workshop, but personal budget can be used to share a mentoring session. If f.e. person A would come give a workshop, this workshop could be paid by the PA. When a group of participants would be interested in having a mentoring session with person A, this mentoring session could take place after the workshop and can be paid by the personal budget.

Once during the block, some representatives of the PA meet the team to talk about the proposals that are 'in the air'. This way the team knows what's about to happen, and they can participate on it.

The PA is also an important place for participants to meet informely.

The PA works on two levels:

  • Curational proposals that can be worked on during a longer term. Multiple participants can work together on a proposal for a next block.
  • Emerging activities what are workshops, (social) activities, dinners that are important that happen on the short term. To spend time together. Exchange the meetings for days where we do something together.

There's budget for both sort of propositions. The budget of €2000 could be split half / half per block. €1000 to spend on emerging activities. When the money is not used, it flows to the Kinship. The other €1000 can be divided and taken to the next block.

Pressure from spending the budget makes everybody just propose something. 'Let's just do something so the money is not gone.'


The PA can devide the 2000 euro budget that is assigned to them. During the block, pariticipants can make proposals for collective workshops. Workshops can take place during the whole block (including the month off at the end of the block).

The PA can provide a.pass with feedback on the structure of a.pass.


When, where and how the PA meets is flexible, but it is good practice to notify everyone 24hrs before you intend to meet. Then everyone has a chance to say whether they can or cannot attend, if you need to reschedule, or continue without everyone in attendance.

Written notes should be made for each meeting as a concise summary. You don't need to write down everything, it is more to make a record of discussion, points addressed and action to be taken. The notes should be available to all participants. When decissions are made, they are written down in the notes. People who were absent should be able to see what has been decided.

Notes can be found here:

Everyone who proposes a workshop is responsible for the organisation of this workshop. Meaning you

  • are in contact with the person who's going to give the workshop
  • decide on a date for the workshop, checking with the person who's giving the workshop and the a.pass participants
  • are in contact with Joke to make sure the space is free, and to take care of the payment
  • add the workshop to the a.pass workshop calendar
  • check with Steven for technical stuff and availabilities


€2000 per block. Often the budget is only decided on by the last month of the block, so can the budget be used in the next block? July 2021 Discussion Can the budget be changed to be 6000EUR for the whole year. Or 1000EUR for a block, and 1000EUR for that block to spend in the following block.


When making collective decisions on the shared budget, a proposed activity needs ? % or number of people ? of the group to go ahead. We hesitate on deciding on a number, because we don't want conflict. How do we develop tools to go deeper into the ideas proposed? How to address questions when you're not sure about a proposition. How can we find ways of being generous that is not just saying 'yes'. A meeting to put all our topics together and find commonalities and connections. This takes time too. And then things can be decided: Which proposals seem relevant for a part of the group (not individual and also not necesseraly the majority). Can the PA become a thinking organ?

Are there things that need total consensus?

Can the PA from this block, make decisions for the budget of next block? Partially?


How to communicate our proposals to the institution? We invite Joke for a PA for a presentation around the planning of the block.


The PA can suggest topics for the curation of coming blocks. What's missing in the proposal of the block f.e.